
好知识2012-02-15 08:40:541273

Dip Rinse            浸洗

The dip rinse should be designed to permit complete submersion of the vehicle in as short a space as possible. Extensive horizontal travel is not required in this tank. Except for size and weir position, the tank should be similar in design to the paint tank (see Figure 15). 浸洗要使车身能在尽可能短的区间内全浸没,在此槽中不要求过长时间的水平输送段。除了尺寸及溢流槽的位置外,槽子应与电泳槽设计相同。
Circulation, filtration and cooling techniques are similar to those designed for the body tank.  Filtered turnovers of 2-3 times per hour through 10 micron filters is adequate.  The temperature of the dip rinse should not exceed 1000F, therefore, cooling may be required to maintain temperature and counteract the heat generated by the circulation pumps.  The permeate, ambient and body temperatures will also affect the cooling load.  Filtration should be 25 micron maximum. 循环,过滤及冷却技术与电泳槽设计类似。通过过滤器的过滤次数2-3次/小时已足够。浸洗温度不能超过1000F。因此为维持温度,消除循环泵产生的热量,可能要求冷却,超滤液,环境及车身也影响冷却负荷,过滤规格最大为25um。 Tank lining can be chemical-resistant, Flakeline 600L or equivilent like that used for the recirculated rinse tanks. Quality sand blasting of metal before coating is absolutely necessary. 槽子衬里可以是Flakeline 600L 或等同的用于循环冲洗槽一样的耐化学腐蚀的涂层,在涂衬里前对金属进行高质量的喷砂处理是绝对必要的。 The weir should be located at the entrance of the dip rinse tank. This design permits surface foam to flow away from the clean body as the unit exits from the liquid. 溢流槽要布置在进口一端,这种设计可以在车身从液体中出来时间表面的泡沫从干净的车身上流走。 Provisions for transferring the dip rinse tank to the paint storage tank and main bath for cleaning purposes should be included. 从浸洗槽到槽液储槽到槽液主槽的转移必须将清洁考虑在内。


